sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

Bicicleta hecha de bamboo Nota informativa en ingles

Riding into a town, the £3,000 eco-friendly bamboocycle (that's a bike made of bamboo stems)

Last updated at 6:54 PM on 17th June 2009

It Is the ultimate green statement for commuters worried that even their cycling is damaging the planet.

Eco-conscious (but wealthy) people can now buy an organic, biodegradable bike - made from bamboo.

The Calfee, which will set you back at least £3,000, has a frame made from bamboo stems handpicked in the remote mountains of Taiwan's Yushan National Park, home to such wildlife as the Formosan black bear and rock monkey.

Green statement: The Bamboo bikes are biodegradable

Green statement: The Bamboo bikes are biodegradable

However, the bamboo has a large carbon footprint as it clocks up a fair amount of mileage from source to shop.

It is shipped to California, where the stems are smoked and heat-treated to prevent splitting and then assembled into a frame.

Then the pieces are connected with lugs made of hemp fibre, before being coated in a satin polyurethane sealant.

The bikes are then transported back to Chiswick, West London, where they are being sold in the Eco Age shop owned by actor Colin Firth, his wife Livia Giuggioli, and her brother Nicola.

Bamboo Bike

The Calfee weighs roughly the same as its metal equivalent and about 60 per cent of the finished product is made of sustainable materials


Five bikes have been sold in Britain so far

Five have been sold in Britain so far, including two in London.

The Calfee weighs roughly the same as its metal equivalent but has none of the environmental baggage. About 60 per cent of the finished product is made of sustainable materials.


Bamboo is stronger than mild steel and more elastic than carbon fibre - meaning it absorbs shock exceptionally well.

Rachel Hammond, founder of RAW Bamboo Bikes, said: 'Because bamboo is a natural material it takes a lot of the vibration out of the ride.'


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1193648/Riding-town-3-000-eco-friendly-bamboocycle-thats-bike-bamboo-stems.html#ixzz0Wl08H9Hr

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